Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Dealing with My Travel Anxiety!

I've been working hard on not being too anxious before travelling.   In my daily life I am rarely upset or stressed about anything really - but over the years I've noticed I definitely do get twitchy when I'm preparing to go away.

This time it's not too bad. I've busied myself with things like getting the garden organised so the watering is automatic - all the plants in wide trays which are fed twice a day for 5 minutes with a small trickle of water... This is enough to keep them fresh and lively.    Packing is minimal because this is only for a few days, and we'll be staying with my uncle in Denmark.... so we have the tea and cheese which they asked us to bring, and some Original Alka-Seltzer to take to another friend who lives near them.  I think the weather is not likely to be all that different from what we've had in the last couple of weeks at home, so I don't have to go into mental contortions trying to imagine what clothes I might need... Ha ha.

The basis for my pre-travel anxiety is some sort of fear... But what?  Fear of death? Why should death be any more likely when I'm away from home?  Fear of accident or attack? Same thing applies.  Fear of plane crash or train crash?  Very very unlikely.   Fear of never coming back again? Fear of disaster striking at home? Fear of getting lost in some way. Fear of not being good enough.... I know all these are not rational, but I suppose they come bubbling up so that I can pay attention to it.  So, I am grateful in some weird way, that I am getting this same constant reminder. I need to deal with this stuff.

As it is, we're off tomorrow to Copenhagen and thence to Espergaerde and some lovely family members who we don't see very often. I am looking forward to swimming in the Danish sea!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Travels.
    If I know i am going well in advance I have a to do list & work my way through it.
    Re: fear
    I find meditation, breathing, positive thinking & calling in my travel Angels for a smooth passage there & back helps.
    Another thought might help - maybe the "Other Side" is way more fun than this side so why worry about passing....
